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InfoTaxSquare.com/GetConnected360com shall not be responsible for any error, ommission and any technical inaccuricies in this website. InfoTaxSquare.com is not responsible publish contents on the customer website.The information on this website was accurate at the time of posting and we make every effort to keep it current, however we are not responsible for outdated materials or typographical errors. Prices subject to change without prior notice.


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This website contains links to other websites operated by parties other than the InfoTaxSqure.com/GetConnected360.com. These links are provided for your convenience only. Infotax Square, has no control over these websites and is not responsible for their content. Our inclusion of links to these sites does not imply any endorsement of the material or any association with them.


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The website is designed so that you can freely browse the site for information without revealing personal data. Any personal information sent to our Office via email, is done so at the free will of the sender.


Contact us

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our privacy policies or practices, we would like to know what they are so we can address them. Please contact us at 866-754-4460 or 866-754-4460 or 516-822-3100 or 516-822-3100. You may also email your questions to info@getconnected360.com





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The DMCA Agreement:

Images and content located on this site come from our users and fans.

GetConnected360.com respects the intellectual property of others and expect the users of our Website to do the same.

Procedure for Reporting Copyright Infringement Claims:

If you believe the copyright in your work has been violated through this Website, please contact copyright agents for notice of claims of copyright infringement. For your complaint to be valid under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA), you must provide the following information when providing notice of the claimed copyright infringement, which Get may then forward to the alleged infringer:

    a. identify the material on the Website that you believe infringes your work, with enough detail so that we may locate it on the Website;
    b. provide your address, telephone number and email address;
    c. provide a statement that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
    d. provide a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; and
    e. provide your physical or electronic signature.

Appealing a Claim of Copyright Infringement Made Under the DMCA (Counter-Notification)

If GetConnected360.com has informed you that we have removed content you posted on the site because we received notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s), and this was under the notice and counter-notice procedures of the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), then you are able to file a counter-notification under the DMCA. This page has more information about appealing the removal of your content, in appropriate circumstances, by submitting a DMCA counter-notification.

Why was my content removed?

GetConnected360.com respects the copyrights of others, and we prohibit users from uploading, posting or otherwise transmitting on GetConnected360.com any materials that infringe another party's copyrights.

What is the DMCA, and how does it affect me?

GetConnected360.com complies with the notice and take down procedures defined in section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). While GetConnected360.com does not tolerate copyright infringement, we also do not tolerate false claims of infringement. If your content was removed under the notice and counter-notice procedures of the DMCA, and you believe it was removed as a result of mistake or misidentification, you are able to file a DMCA counter-notification.

How does the DMCA counter-notification process work?

Upon submission of an effective DMCA counter-notification, we will promptly forward it to the reporting party. If the reporting party does not notify us that they have filed an action seeking a federal court order to restrain you from engaging in infringing activity on GetConnected360.com related to the material in question within 10-14 business days, we will promptly restore eligible content under the DMCA.


In rare instances, we may not be able to restore content due to technical limitations. In that event, we’ll send you an update letting you know you may repost the content to the site at your discretion.
An effective DMCA counter-notification must contain your name, address and telephone number, among other information, and the party who reported your content can use that information to assist them in filing an action against you in court. This means that GetConnected360.com is required to pass the contact information you provide in the counter-notification to the reporting party.

Restored content will not be counted against you if your account is ever reviewed for potentially violating our policies about repeat infringement.

How do I know whether I should file a counter-notification?


If you are uncertain whether you should file a DMCA counter-notification, we recommend that you seek the advice of an attorney, ideally one who specializes in intellectual property law.

There may be adverse legal consequences if you submit a false DMCA counter-notification or submit one in bad faith. If you file a false counter-notification, you could be liable for damages and attorney’s fees under section 512(f) of the DMCA, among other things.

After taking all of the above into careful consideration, if you believe that content that you posted on the site was removed as a result of mistake or misidentification, you may file a DMCA counter-notification.


Reporting a Violation or Infringement of Your Rights:

What right is being violated or infringed?

Under the laws of most countries, copyright is the legal right that protects original works of authorship, such as books, music, film and art. In most countries, copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems or methods of operation. Some of these may be protected by other rights. Generally, copyright does not protect facts and ideas, but it may protect the original words or images that express that idea.

However, copyright does not protect all expressions. As explained by the U.S. Copyright Office, "copyright does not protect names, titles, slogans, or short phrases. In some cases, these things may be protected as trademarks."


A trademark is a word, slogan, symbol or design (such as a brand name or a logo) that identifies and distinguishes the products or services offered by one party from those offered by others. Generally, trademark law seeks to prevent confusion among consumers about the source of products or services. The owner of a trademark may be able to prevent others from using its trademark (or a similar trademark) in a manner that would confuse people into thinking either that there is a relationship between the trademark owner and the unauthorized user or that the trademark owner endorses the unauthorized user’s products or services.


Please send us an email for any other including not limited to hacked accounts, a photo or other contents, abuse and harassment, technical issues  violation at support@infotaxsquare.com


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Email Address: support@infotaxsquare.com
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