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Testimonial of Rasheem Northington with Nashib Umer

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Rasheem James NorthingtonWriter : Rasheem James Northington Nashib UmerVoice : Nashib Umer United States 21042 Listens


Experience of Rasheem James Northington with Nashib Umer Who is the Founder of DueClixVoiceFM about How it Impacted his visibility on the internet?

What is a mission and vision to start DueClixVoiceFM and what are the most attractive features of DueClixVoiceFM?

I had many reasons in my mind to start DueClixVoiceFM and I am going to share a few of them:

  1. To meet business development goals and reduce digital marketing cost.
  2. 2. To extract targeted traffic to increase ROA (Rate of Conversion).
  3. It is developed for those who face technical and financial difficulties to grow.
  4. To provide a quality content to societies.
  5. To reshape the digital marketing industry and regain a user's trust on the internet marketing.
  6. 6. To provide a platform which is accessable and affordable for everyone.
  7. 7. The goal is not to be a number one rather than provide an educational and informational platform to heal societies disorders and give guidance to grow.
  8. DueClixVoiceFM contains quality content rather than quantity content.
  9. DueClixVoiceFM leads in a quality users rather than quantity users.
  10. 10. Finally, it is 100% free online business development and advertising platform.

We have invited today, Rasheem J Northington in our studio, who is the Author of The Diaphragm The Muscle Source of Life to hear about his business development and promotional experience with DueClixvoiceFM.

About a new healthcare discovery of Rasheem J Northington The Diaphragm The Muscle Source of Life and how can one benefit?

The important role of the thoracic diaphragm, and how maximizing the function of the diaphragm maximizes the function of the whole body. Basically, if you increase the contraction of your diaphragm then you can increase your health. As well as, if you increase the contraction of your diaphragm, you can increase the efficiency of your immune system.

Remarks: Apparently, tt is a very unique knowledge for most people and I wish more people join you to gather more pieces and tell us the importance of The Diaphragm to improve our lifestyle.

From where we can access your book "The Diaphragm The Muscle Source of Life"? Can we download it from the internet or you send it by mail?

You can purchase my book from all online sellers, including amazon.com, Barnes & Noble.com, writersrepublic.com, walmart.com and others, and anyone who is having difficulty purchasing the book I would really like you to contact me, I will help you access the book as my main intention is to spread my word and knowledge rather than extracting a financial benefit.

Would you like to share your experience with DueClixVoiceFM for our listeners?

I have had a very good experience and the dueclixvoice team is very supportive. They have guided me on every step of the way.

How do you provide content to DueClixVoiceFM including text and audios to play and post on DueClixVoiceFM, because content is a key for the online advertising?

It is a two steps process.


  1. Create audio and text, email to DueClixVoiceFM team
  2. And, DueClixVoice team play and post content.


Remarks: We have  kept the process simple for our users to save their time.

How soon does your new content index or publish in Google and other search engines to listen and read as per your personal experience?

Based on my experience so far 100% of my content has indexed in google and the other search engines. I've noticed generally my content is published in 2 to 3 days and sometimes the very next day.

Remarks: Yes, it is one of the specialties of DueClixVoiceFM to give you an instant visibility on the internet to gain ranking.

What is the importance of publishing your new content in Google and other search engines and how does it help you?

I need my new content to have visibility on the internet so that it becomes accessible to my potential users and it also plays on the radio 24/7 globally to spread my words on the radio as well.

What are your future goals and how do you think that DueClixVoiceFM can help you to achieve your goals?

Spread my words across the world in a voice and text format and DueClixVoiceFM has the technology to do so.

How much do you pay to DueClixVoiceFM to promote your book, the Diaphragm The Muscle Source of Life? Because, advertising is very technical and expense and it is almost impossible to afford for most people.

I am not paying anything because the goal of DueClixVoiceFM is to extract and promote talent, and I highly admire their goals.

Remarks: Yes, it is free, but we still urge our users to support us however they can to improve technology.

What are your current options to promote your business other than DueClixVoiceFM because advertising is very expensive and it is hard to afford, especially for a small business it is a dream as I mentioned in my previous question?

None other than DueClixVoiceFM.

Remarks: Based on my business experience advertising keeps a business alive and a business owner motivated and energetic. Most of the small businesses do not realize the essence of advertising and they never grow and finally they go.

What do you suggest to our listeners for using DueClixVoiceFM?

I suggest everyone, who has a talent and want to be heard to join DueClixVoiceFM and you will not be disappointed.

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