What is the diaphragm and what is the importance in the human body?
Simply put the diaphragm is a thin, broad muscle that sits in the chest cavity responsible for the respiration which we also know as breathing.
Where is the diaphragm located in the body?
The diaphragm is located right below the lungs and it separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity or simply put the abdomen from the chest.
How can the diaphragm help you to avoid a surgery?
Well, in particular, we are talking about the thoracic diaphragm and when it comes to avoiding a surgery for an injury. A lot of injuries require sufficient blood flow and oxygen to heal and if that’s not provided, the area that’s damaged gets worse. The diaphragm and its function can increase the blood flow and oxygen content in the injured area, preventing it from further damage and eventually healing completely.
Where can we get your book The Diaphragm-The Muscle Source Of Life?
The book The Diaphragm-The Muscle Source Of Life can be found on a lot of websites, including Amazon.com, writersrepublic.com, Barnesandnobles.com as well.
Can you please share some of the topics of your book and how it can help?
Yeah, sure, not a problem some of the topics in the book include how the diaphragm supports heart function as well as how the diaphragm increases immune function.